March 28, 2023

Summer Safety Tips 2022

As the temperatures rise, so does our risk for summertime emergencies. From cook-outs and fireworks to simply staying out in the sun too long, the opportunities to become even seriously injured are all too common throughout the season. Fortunately, it takes just a little bit of planning and awareness to protect yourself from summertime risks. Here are our top summer safety tips.

Stay hydrated.

Hotter temperatures during the summer makes us sweat – a lot. That means more of the water we drink is used by our bodies for self-cooling – and we need even more water to make up for it. Hydrate well before going out into hot temperatures – and keep a large portable water bottle with you at all times when you’ll be out in the heat. Finally, drink more water when you’re cooling off inside.

Don’t overdo sun exposure.

Longer days are one of the joys of summer, and it’s only reasonable that we want to get out and enjoy them. But those longer days come with greater risk of serious sun burn and deadly skin cancers. The safest way to avoid the great outdoors in the summer is to wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or higher, and reapply it every two hours or even sooner if you’re swimming or sweating. Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothes, protective sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat. Avoiding being outside when the sun is highest, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., is helpful, too.

Be water safe.

Getting in the water is a great way to have fun while staying cool in the summer heat, whether you’re splashing around in the pool, at the beach, or boating. However, drowning is one of the greatest children safety risks of summer, so taking precautions can help you have peace of mind while you’re having fun. Take steps to ensure everyone in your family knows or is learning how to swim, and have young children wear life preservers in the water and every time they get on a boat. Also teach your children not to swallow the water where they swim.

Avoid heat-related illness.

As you’d expect, the risk of heatstroke increases in the summer months. To avoid it, drink more water and take regular breaks from the heat of the day. If you experience symptoms like quick pulse, headache, confusion and dizziness, or red, hot, dry skin, you maybe experiencing heat stroke and should get help as soon as possible. It’s important to cool your body as quickly as possible, such as with a cool shower or ice packs.

Keep summer fun safe.

You can still enjoy the traditional fun of summer in a safe way. When it comes to fireworks, never allow young children to light them or play with them – even sparklers – and keep a hose or bucket of water nearby just in case. Wear – or have your children wear – safety helmets and gear when biking, roller skating, skateboarding and playing sports. If you have a trampoline, ensure it has a safety net and that you only allow one jumper at a time.

Lastly, having run outdoors also means exposing yourself to bug bites and bee stings. Use a mosquito repellant with DEET for the best protection, and if you are stung by a bee and experience an allergic reaction, take an antihistamine. If the reaction is severe, head to Laredo Emergency Room for the help you need.

Here at Laredo Emergency Room, we hope you have an injury-free and illness-free summer, but if you find yourself needing emergency treatment, we can help you feel better and enjoying the rest of your summer fast.

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